Category: Business Process

I think that most of you will agree that there is an art to good Customer Service.  We can read books and books and books about customer service (when in doubt, just google it). According to Efraim Turban in Electronic Commerce: A Managerial and Social Networks Perspective, “Customer Service is a series of activities designedRead More

Meetings serve an extremely important function for businesses and other organizations. They are a great for facilitating communication between the various members of your team. They save time. They can be effective in boosting morale. They provide opportunities for collaboration, accountability, getting feedback, planning, and solving problems. Well run meetings can be an opportunity toRead More

A few weeks ago, a good friend drew an analogy between the intricacies of a watch and the workings of a business team. Later in the evening his comments were still resonating with me as I was making some adjustments to our grandfather clock. As I gave it more thought, the similarities between my clockRead More

          “I know I have it, let me look here, I’ll have it in just a minute.” This is reminiscent of my Dad searching in his garage or workshop for a tool or a saved part knowing that someday it would be needed (I admit – this trait didn’t fall farRead More