from the Blog

Your Actions (or In-Actions) Affect Others


How many would agree that our actions have a direct impact on those around us?

I just heard a resounding YES over the inter-webs. The way that we approach our daily tasks have an impact on employees, bosses, co-workers, spouses, kids – everyone around us.


I want to share an example that has haunted (really – haunted) me for years. In our business, tracking time is a Big Deal.

Our entire team is expected to track their time daily, recording time spent on various projects and tasks. In this digital age our time sheets are available 24/7, easily accessible, and (at least for me) one of the most overlooked tasks that I have to do each week.

  • Yes, I am on the list – the daily reminder list that starts on Thursday
  • becomes hourly on Monday
  • very personal starting on Tuesday
  • and critical near the end of the billing cycle


What happens when I don’t get my time sheet done?

  • Payroll is delayed. Wait – No – I still want my check on time. So payroll isn’t really delayed – I have just shortened the amount of time the payroll team has to put my check together.
  • Billings are delayed. This is a BIG DEAL. Clients generally don’t pay bills before they get them. When clients don’t pay, my company doesn’t have money to pay it’s bills – including my paycheck. Delayed billings is not a good thing.
  • Financial reports are delayed. Accountants, CEO’s, and COO’s live (and die) by the financials.

My inaction has a direct impact on my coworkers and their ability to do their jobs and has a direct financial impact to our company.


The other day I missed an appointment to get my hair cut – just plain overlooked it on my calendar. No big deal, I can always reschedule. Wait, No, this is a BIG DEAL.

For the ladies especially, I have been told, it is very difficult to schedule hair appointments. The bigger deal is my hairdresser. She reserved time out of her day specifically for me. In addition to the wonderful conversation I provide she is counting on the revenue that I provide.

My inaction has a direct financial impact on my hair dresser and impacts our relationship. (I have found that a bottle of wine and a generous tip soften the blow).

Other examples?

  • The service company that doesn’t arrive at the designated time
  • The appointment with your kids teacher

What We Do Matters!

It is important to do what we say we will do, to fulfill our commitments. Our actions (or in-actions) do have an impact on those around us.

Take inventory. In what areas are your in-actions impacting others? What can you do to lessen that impact and be more respectful? Send me a quick note — I am interested in your thoughts.

While your thinking I will be finishing my time sheet for last week. I really need to get off of that list.

. . . go have an Awesome Week!

Tom Trabue