from the Blog

What If?


The more we know, the more we realize what we don’t know (check out this link).  As we have talked about before, this is a good thing.  Young, or old(er), we can always learn.  And one of the best ways to learn is to be present in the moment, listening, and of course questioning.

This last weekend I attended the What If . . . Conference in Columbia, Missouri.  This was an interactive experience with the question     – “What If” –         front and center.  The sketches and notes in my journal (yes I went old school – we’ll talk about that another time) are ‘crazy’ and it may take weeks, or months to fully realize the breadth of what I experienced.

Another peek into my journal – today you get a few highlights, the things I circled, highlighted, and starred.

What Makes Awesome . . . Awesome?
Beyond the words were the people.  Their interest in the question – What If . . . ? – was the common link, but it was much more.  The participants that attended this conference are engaged in life.  They have passion, and a desire to make the world a better place.  They are open to asking the questions that will result in BIG solutions to the problems and challenges that face our society. Additionally, while their was certainly some ‘experience‘ in the room, the presentations and discussions with the high school and college students were incredible.  For my new young friends at MS & T – Thank You – you taught me a lot in a very brief time and I look forward to following your successes.

This Week

Take a deep breath – spend a few minutes on the graphic above.

  • What is your first reaction?
  • Did it evoke an emotion?
  • Did it generate some questions?
  • What is your What If . . . ?

. . . and have an Awesome Week

Tom Trabue